Scott Cook 'One More Time Around' - Self-Release

Born in Edmonton, Alberta this Canadian singer/songwriter has now released four recordings since 2007 when he started to play professionally. Scott Cook espouses the hippie dream by living in his van while he tours extensively with his musical message. He is a politically sensitive humanist who sings of weighty and worthy topics.

There are ten pages of narrative in the lyric booklet before we get to the song lyrics and it is true to say that Scott wears his heart on his proverbial sleeve. He also gives the relevant guitar chords to all of his songs on the recording and quotes from such heavyweights as Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, Kurt Vonnegut, Noam Chomsky and Martin Luther King.

You can also access a wonderful website courtesy of Scott Cook online and the free film service available at is highly recommended to any inquisitive mind.

So, a veritable lucky bag of different flavours and surprises await the listener over these love songs and personal philosophies on life and living. Call it folk, roots or country music, all tracks are beautifully stripped down and played at a very intimate level that invites the listener in. I am pleased to have discovered this artist of real substance.